5 Benefits of Prefabricated Timber Wall Frames

Prefabricated timber wall frames bring a number of advantages to a construction project. Here are five reasons why roofers choose prefabricated timber wall frames.

1. High Strength

Prefabricated timber wall frames provide a strong base that can support a wide range of roof types. They require little maintenance once they are in place and can last for many decades. If you want a roof you can rely on to keep your home warm and dry for many years, then using a prefabricated timber wall frame to support it is a great approach.

2. Low Cost

One of the main benefits of prefabricated timber wall frames is their low cost. When they are delivered to the construction site, they do not need any significant further preparation to make them ready for installation. This feature brings down labour costs, a major contributor to the total cost of a home construction project.

The creation of prefabricated timber wall frames is also highly efficient, as it takes place away from the construction site in an optimised environment. As a result, the amount of timber wasted is very low compared to timber wall frames that are fabricated on site, which also helps to keep costs low.

3. Versatile

Prefabricated timber wall frames are suitable for use in a very wide range of construction projects. Most contractors have extensive experience with using prefabricated timber wall frames and can use that knowledge to optimise their use in new construction projects. Even if your construction project uses an unusual roof design, it is likely that a prefabricated timber wall frame can provide the support it needs.

4. Perfect for Small Sites

If there is little or no room on your construction site to store wood logs or timber for the construction of wall frames, then prefabricated timber wall frames are an excellent choice. They can be brought to the site when they are needed and then used immediately, with no need for storage. Transport is quick, easy, and low cost, compared to the cost of timber storage and on-site construction.

5. Attractive

If you are planning a roofing or construction project that will leave the wooden frame of the building exposed, then it is important to consider the frame's appearance. Timber wall frames have a natural wood grain, which many people find very beautiful for a home construction project. One of the reasons why prefabricated timber wall frames have gained so much popularity in recent years is that they fit perfectly into the contemporary home construction style.
